New Year's is my favorite holiday ever. One of the best things about this holiday (besides exchanging presents) is decorating the New Year's tree. Or, as it is known in our household, the New Year's / Christmas tree.
Our New Year's / Christmas tree. |
Our tree is definitely a girl this year. I even topped her off with a bow just in case it wasn't obvious.
The bow on top of our girly tree. |
Last year, I took advantage of post-Christmas sales and scored some awesome ornaments... that I completely forgot about until I pulled out our tree decorations box from under the bed. It felt like I was sneaking in some early presents!
These matching stocking ornaments are supposed to represent D and me. |
When D stumbled upon this ornament while shopping for Christmas presents, he knew he had to get it for me as an early Christmas present because there is nothing more Russian than a
Matryoshka doll.
Matryoshka ornament. |
We are off to celebrate the holidays with our respective families, so I will end the year on this festive note and wish you all the happiest of holidays season. Happy New Year!
Stay tuned for an upcoming post on how I DIY'd some crafty Christmas presents this year. But shhhh, I can't talk about them yet because they are a surprise!
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